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Customize Category Booking Approval Settings

Control whether booking approval is required for a category by enabling or disabling the approval process.


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To enable or disable the booking approval process for a category, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Spot page.

2. Click the three horizontal dots menu at the end of the category line to access the category options.

3. Select "Edit" from the dropdown menu.


4. Toggle the switch next to "Set up the approval process" to enable or disable the booking approval process for the category.


Approval Process Enabled: Category Manager Must Approve Bookings

If the approval process is enabled, any bookings created within the category will be subject to the approval of the category manager. The manager will receive email and app notification center alerts regarding the booking request. This setting is useful when you want complete control over all bookings within a category.

Approval Process Disabled: Bookings Within Category Automatically Approved

If the approval process is disabled, any bookings created within the category will be automatically approved without delay. This setting is useful when there is no need to wait for booking approval.

Please note that if the category is set to public, the approval process is automatically enabled.