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Understanding User Roles and Permissions

A comprehensive guide to managing user access and control


Compare the user permissions differences in this overview.

1. Administrator 

Sidebar / People

The highest system permission is the administrator role, which grants full control over the application. An administrator account can be assigned to a user by another administrator. The user who created the organization is automatically assigned the first administrator role.

To assign the administrator role to a user, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the user line and click on the three horizontal dots menu.
  2. Click on "Give admin rights".
  3. The user will now have administrator privileges and full control over the application.

To remove the administrator role from a user, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the user line and click on the three horizontal dots menu.
  2. Click on "Remove admin rights".
  3. The user will no longer have administrator privileges and their control over the application will be limited.

It's important to only assign the administrator role to trusted users who require full control over the application and limit the number of administrator accounts to reduce the risk of security breaches or accidental damage.

2. Manager 

Sidebar / Spots

The manager permission can be granted by an administrator to any user in the organization. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to the Spot page.
  2. Find the category line and click on the three horizontal dots at the end of it.
  3. Select "Edit" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Under "Category manager", choose the specific user you want to assign as the manager.
  5. Click "Save".

If the approval process is activated for this category, the newly assigned manager will be responsible for approving or declining individual bookings from now on. To learn more about the approval process, please refer to our documentation.

3. User

The user role is the most basic role in the application and is typically assigned to regular users who need to make bookings or view the calendar. Here are the specific permissions and actions that a user can perform:

  • View the calendar of the booking app
  • Make bookings for available spots
  • Filter bookings based on various criteria
  • Change the layout of the calendar view
  • Edit their own profile information

The user role is limited to viewing and interacting with the application within their designated permissions. Users cannot manage other users' access and can only see categories and spots they have been granted access to.  Learn more about how to set permissions for categories.

Properly setting permissions is essential for maintaining security and control, and more information can be found in our documentation or by contacting an administrator or manager within your organization.